• By :  Piyush Rishi Singh
  • Last Updated :  December 3, 2022
  • Words Count :  316 Words
  • Est. Reading Time :  3 mins

Its a matter of well known fact  that most of the peoples use mobiles and tablets instead of using computer all the day and as a web developer / designer you need to create your websites compatible to all devices with responsive designs or you can simply create different sites for mobile and tablet users on a subdomain with compatibility. The reason behind all this is just too simple, reason is there are thousands of potential customers out there waiting for you with hand held devices , so its important to grab them by providing what its ought to.

Today I am going to show you that How to detect device and redirect user on compatible site.

I have used a PHP class Mobile-Detect it uses the User-Agent string combined with specific HTTP headers to detect the mobile environment. You can get this class from github

PHP Code:

index.php Contains php code to detect device and redirect if device is mobile or tablet.


< ?php require_once 'Mobile_Detect.php'; // PHP Class to detect device. $objMobile = new Mobile_Detect; if($objMobile ->isMobile()) {
header('Location: http://m.yoursite.com/');


Above code will redirect user to website’s mobile version if user coming from a mobile device.

Some other cases to redirect website:
isTablet()) {
// Redirect or operate any tablet device.

if( $detect->isMobile() && !$detect->isTablet()) {
// Exclude tablets devices and used for mobile only.

if( $detect->isAndroidOS()) {
// Check for Android platforms

if( $detect->isiOS()) {
// Check for iOS platforms

if( $detect->isWindowsPhoneOS()) {
// Check for Windows Phone platforms
// many more like browser's etc you can filter


Above code shows you more specific checks for device you user using so I hope this tutorial helps you and please dont forget to share it with your friends and do comment you issues and suggestion for our upcoming articles.

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Piyush Rishi Singh

Piyush Rishi Singh

(Founder & Business Head At Techzax Innovations Pvt. Ltd.)

A Digital Entrepreneur & Content Creator who loves simplifying tech.
Expertise: A Full Stack & highly skilled 10+ years experienced WordPress developer who specializes in complete custom tailored WordPress Websites development.

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