• By :  Piyush Rishi Singh
  • Date :  December 6, 2022
  • Words Count :  447 Words
  • Est. Reading Time :  3 mins

What is Landing Page?

As far as any landing page is concerned, its basically where we intend to bring our target audience onto & either to make the purchase or download the app or anything action we wish our visitors or say potential customers to take.

Why is landing page not giving results?

So after doing all marketing campaigns or seo or by any other legit methods we pour in traffic onto our landing page, but if the visitors just land onto the page and simply moves off (bounces) without making the intended purchase/download then its a huge loss of money & efforts.

So question must be why? Why users after landing bounces off as quick even though they did entered via a funnel right until here?

Well Answer to this can be elaborative (which i do will elaborate too further) & infact this itself gonna address half of your question.

But in short : The User didn't find value & intent on your landing page for which they either expected or were looking for.

Ohkay so time to dive in further,

Whenever a visitor lands onto the landing page, he / she must be served with the sharp clear contents , graphics , CTAs etc which in every manner serves a sole purpose to engage the user & deliver value of intended information which will ultimately lead the user to make the purchase / hit the action button .

Ingredients of an effective landing page

Lets now crack each one of us individually :-


In any web page if we really want to make a first impression then one must use very connecting though attractive graphics and colors. The look & feel of the page gonna trigger the first signal if user will remain on page or not. Dont make a mess of design & never select unprofessional or to be precise here unsuitable colors as per niche.

Always remember – First Impression is the best impression



Click to action (CTA) buttons are very crucial in any landing page, if used right way its an asset to have one. CTAs should be very properly planned & placed on crucial locations on the page, also the size of button & its presentation matters a lot too. It should amply sized.

Users must not be confused and hunting for the CTA

Last but the most important,


Well i don't think so that i really need to say much on this. As we all know

Content is the King

Better the quality of your content, better are the conversion rate.

I hope i did try my best to explain what you need to get done for a great landing page.

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Piyush Rishi Singh

Piyush Rishi Singh

(Founder & Business Head At Techzax Innovations Pvt. Ltd.)

A Digital Entrepreneur & Content Creator who loves simplifying tech.
Expertise: A Full Stack & highly skilled 10+ years experienced WordPress developer who specializes in complete custom tailored WordPress Websites development.

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